CaReS: For The Physicians

When compared with the other technics-collagen foam, polymer etc.-Ars Arthro technology is a very advantageous technic.

In knee focal cartilage defects, the autologous chondrocyte transplantation treatment gives positive effects about 60-90%.

ACT has a limited working area because of the difficulty of the operation time and technical means. So it is obligatory to find out a matrix to immobilize the chondrocytes and transfer them easily.

When compared with the other technics-collagen foam, polymer etc.-Ars Arthro technology is a very advantageous technic.

. Minimum autologous cell requirement
. Minimum cell differentiaition
. Maximum cell viability and function

. Triggers cell activity
. Under control cell distribution
. Pressure durability and easy forming
. Measurability in the time of operation
. Simple defect adaptation
. Growing cell security due to osmosis character

. Special Equipment
. Reliable logistics
. Proper price
. High performance


Classic ACT and CaReS® Comparison:

. In 20 patients, there is a study done concerning both ACT and CaReS® in between October 2002-April 2003. Also the comparison evalution done between these two methods and the results are compared.
. Results are represented in the congress organized by International Cartilage Repair Society in Belgium.

Restlessness and Reproduction:

. When compared with the ACT applied patients; CaReS® applied patients have a better restlessness and function after 6-12 months.
. The one and two year results concerning CaReS® studies state that high repeatability can be observed.